
Abdelmalek Essaadi University Abdelmalek Essaadi University
In addition to the presidency, considered as a central institution serving other institutions, the UAE comprises 16 university institutions: 10 faculties (FS-Tétouan, FLSH-Tétouan, FSJES-Tétouan, FST-Tanger, FSJES-Tanger , FP-Larache, FST- Al Hoceima, the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Tangier, the Faculty of Oussoul Dine- Tétouan, FPKsar El Kébir) and 6 schools (ENCG-Tanger, ENSA-Tanger, ENSA-Tétouan, ENSA- Al Hoceima, ESRFT-Tanger and ENS-Tétouan). New establishments will soon be opened with 5 other faculties (FEG-Tétouan, FEG-Tanger, FP-Al Hoceima, FP-Chefchaouen and FP-Ouezzane) and 2 schools (EST in Tetouan and ENCG in Al Hoceima).
Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Al Hoceima Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Al Hoceima
The faculty of Sciences and Techniques offers two common core courses, Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics (MIP) and Biology, Chemistry and Geology (BCG), preparing access to Bachelors, Masters and engineering degrees or other national and international degrees.
National Center for Scientific and Technical Research National Center for Scientific and Technical Research
National Center for Scientific and Technical Research
Académie Hassan II des sciences et techniques Académie Hassan II des sciences et techniques
Conformément au vœu de Feu Sa Majesté Le Roi Hassan II, que Dieu L'ait en Sa Sainte Miséricorde, l’Académie Hassan II des sciences et techniques est un lieu de haute réflexion, où des hommes et des femmes, que leurs travaux, leur talent, leur science et leur sagesse ont hissés aux premiers rangs de la communauté scientifique internationale, œuvrent à la quiétude morale des sociétés et à leur prospérité matérielle et intellectuelle, notamment en leur facilitant la maîtrise des mutations qu’elles traversent, et en leur apportant l’éclairage nécessaire dans leur quête d'une ère nouvelle.
Etudes géophysiques, géologiques, hydrogéologiques, géotechniques, géochimiques et/ou d'autres méthodes destinées à la reconnaissance de : - sol et sous - sol
Association de Gestion Intégrée de Ressources
ADAR Tanger-Tetoua-Al Hoceima ADAR Tanger-Tetoua-Al Hoceima
ADAR-TTH is a non-governmental organization, its main objective is the development and promotion of a long-term greening program for urban and peri-urban areas, in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima regions.
Moroccan Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists Moroccan Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists
CM-AIH is a chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (AIH) based in London, and its essential vocation is to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience within the community of hydrogeologists around the world, as well as between those - here and specialists in related branches of water and earth sciences, and water techniques.
Loukkos Hydraulic Basin Agency Loukkos Hydraulic Basin Agency
Loukkos Hydraulic Basin Agency
PHEMAC: Participatory hub for effective mapping, acceleration and capitalization of EU-MPC NEXUS best practices PHEMAC: Participatory hub for effective mapping, acceleration and capitalization of EU-MPC NEXUS best practices
PHEMAC aims to develop and disseminate an interactive platform that will gather and share best practices focused on PRIMA SRIA priorities, involving a wide range of stakeholders from the farming system, water management and agri-food sectors.
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