Financial support

General information

It is generally expected that authors of abstracts scheduled for presentation will secure their funding for attending the conference.

However, a limited amount of the overall budget of the 1st ICCR is reserved to assist Young Scientist (YoS) who wish to present their work at the 1st ICCR. Financial support includes a waiver of the registration fees.

  • Each support award is granted to the contact author for a particular abstract. Should this abstract be withdrawn before the conference, or should this abstract not be presented at the congress although the author who has been awarded is present at the congress, the award has to be returned, and the registration fee will be charged to the author.
  • Awards are non-transferable!

Public Application

The Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Al-Hoceima and the 1st ICCR Committee are committed to promoting the participation of young scientist by :

  • Young Scientist's Registration Award (YoSRA): this award includes free registration for all the 1st ICCR sessions. Depending on the Support Committee's decision, additional financial support for the travel expenditures can be granted as well.

The granted amount mentioned in the financial support letter will be paid out to the supported contact author personally during the 1st ICCR.


Young Scientist's Registration Award (YoSRA)

Registration support is for young scientists. The nominee needs to satisfy both of the following two criteria :

  1. be age 35 or younger.
  2. be an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters/Ph.D.) student

Participants from low-income countries in Africa are particularly encouraged to apply for support.


A young scientist who wishes to apply for the Registration Award should submit an abstract for an Oral presentation or a Short paper.

Young Scientist's Registration Award application deadline is May 31, 2021.

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