Call for Papers > Guidelines for authors

Guidelines for abstracts preparation

All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the web-based submission. Guidelines for abstract preparation are provided below and should be read carefully prior to preparing your abstract.

The abstract will be used by the Scientific Committee as the sole basis for acceptance of the paper for presentation. Thus, the abstract should clearly communicate the new and significant results that have been obtained. Accepted summaries will be reproduced exactly as submitted in the Book of Abstracts, which is published by the Conference Organization. Time and effort spent constructing a clear, concise, and well-written abstract will maximize the chances of paper acceptance. New and significant work is a prerequisite for paper acceptance.

For consideration of your abstract, the following information must be entered on the website before your abstract is uploaded.

  • Abstract Title ;
  • The abstract text (including acknowledgements) should have a minimum of 200 words, and should not exceed 350 words. Organization of the abstract is free, but authors are encouraged to ensure sufficient detail in background of the study, methods, and main findings. Avoid the use of symbols, with the exception of Greek letters. Insert Greek letters as ASCII characters.
  • Type of the abstract as “oral”, “poster” or "Short paper";
  • Assignment of abstract category based on the topics that are provided;
  • Keywords;
  • Name, mailing address and e-mail of the first author;
  • Names and affiliations of the co-authors;
  • Complete contact information of the corresponding author if other than the first author;

There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author may submit. If an abstract is accepted, the presenter must be one of the co-authors listed.

An author may present no more than two abstracts. If more than two submissions are accepted from an author, one of his/her co-authors must present any additional abstracts.

Guidelines for Short papers preparation

These are the instructions needed to prepare the Short Paper up to 4 pages (1500 to 2000 words) in length including references, to be included in the proceedings of the 1st ICCR.

All Short papers should be written in English. In order to achieve graphical consistency, the Short Paper should be written using Microsoft Word.  It should be prepared according to the 1st ICCR template.

The submitted Short papers should contain the following sections: Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations with related references, with each section headline written with Times New Roman font, 12 font size, bold, and all caps. These sections can be named differently and subsections can be included. The extended abstract can contain figures, tables and images.

Authors are requested to submit their Short papers via the congress website once the notification of ‘acceptance of abstract’ is sent (February 28, 2021).

You can download the papers template for the 1st ICCR from following link:


Oral presentation guidelines


The conference allows short break times. Please, be back in the conference rooms at least 5 minutes before the session starts to make sure the schedule can be respected and all the speakers can enjoy their allotted time. No time overrun can be accepted.


  • Your talking time will be 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and delays).
  • You are kindly requested to strictly respect the allocated time of your speech.
  • E-mail to your presentation saved in POWERPOINT® format or PDF format named: Last_Name_Abstract_ID.ppt at least 8 hours before your session.
  • It is not possible to use personal laptop or plug USB stick on the Conference rooms
  • We strongly recommend bringing a copy of your PowerPoint on another support (USB key or CD-ROM), even if your presentation is saved on your laptop computer, please test this copy on a PC (with PowerPoint 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013) and check the file can be opened on another computer.

Poster presentation guidelines

Poster size

  • Orientation : vertical (portrait format)
  • Recommended size : AO format (841 mm wide by 1189 mm high)
  • Maximum size : 0,90 meter wide by 1,50-meter high


Material to fix your poster will be available on site.

Poster design recommendations

  • Keep materials clear and concise
  • Produce material that is legible from a distance of at least 1 meter
  • Use large print and shade or color block letters when possible
  • For legibility, a minimum font size of 28 points and a maximum of 600 words are recommended
  • Print on paper material (do not use any laminated layer)
  • Include your e-mail address on your poster to assist viewers with contacting you later.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please send an email to:

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